"Hoodwinked" - I can't wait to see this ...
I have been waiting for the truth to come out.
I was part of this original battle and left the PC Party over the outcome.
See more here.
I strongly encourage all Loyal Canadians to see this Documentary.
I hate to ever say it is too late, but I really believe that we are at the Eleventh Hour in terms of this crisis. And no matter what else you may say about this, the fact that John Turner (a right-wing Liberal) was the only major politician who took the time to read the FTA, is quite chilling - and quite true.
I was there kids, and it was Mulroney's blind faith in Commerce and Simon Riesman that trumped any concern for Canada and our Sovereignty. It was always my impression that Brian Mulroney had a Quebecker's view of Canadian Sovereignty, and it was this "small-c" cavalier attitude that eventually turned me off. He was just not passionate about Canada. At least not in terms that were traditionally & classically conservative.
And before all you Liberals get indignant about this issue ...
Jean Chretien maintained and extended the FTA into a even broader and more comprehensive trade regime. The Liberals - post-Turner - did NOTHING about this.