Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The end of a sad reign ...

The harsh wind from the west is finally abating.

Canada wins relief from bufoonery as of this day ...

I have never seen such strident megalomania in public life, and remember, I was there during the Mulroney years. I can also say that I have never seen one public figure take the credit for something so way beyond his control (the Oil Boom), and milk it over and over and over.

This man was a detriment to national unity and a destroyer of federalism.

No Peter Lougheed he ...

Good Riddance I Say.


At 10:46 pm , Blogger Penelope Persons said...

AMEN, Brudda'!!!!!!!

I hope I never have to hear that grating voice again!

At 4:16 am , Blogger Red Tory said...

Now he's off to the Fraser Institute and the Manning Institute and some other "think tank" (i.e., lobby group) in Washington. Oy.

At 4:53 am , Blogger Aeneas the Younger said...


Yeah, I guess they value his "academic" credentials.

I wonder if they know about his drunken harangues of the homeless down Washington way ...

What a farce.

It is all about timing Folks; if Getty had been Premier long enoung with the Boom they would be hailing him instead.

At 11:26 pm , Blogger Candace said...

spoken as a true non-Albertan.

Love him or hate him, in his early years he did the province a huge favor.

At 5:10 am , Blogger Aeneas the Younger said...


And that would be what ?

Debt Reduction?

EVERY PROVINCE engaged in that throughout the 1990's, but they did not have the luck to win the "carbon lottery" to help them increase the pace of that reduction.

Spoken like a true rednecked Klein supporter ...

At 5:18 am , Blogger Aeneas the Younger said...


Oh yes, one more thing ...

Nice AMERICAN spelling.

Typically Albertan.

At 10:17 pm , Blogger Penelope Persons said...

He may have done Alberta a favour, but it's not as if they had been suffering back there before the Unmentionable One came along.


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