Tuesday, September 05, 2006

In what WWII Army should you have fought ?

This is a neat quiz.

I scored almost equally for the Polish Army and the British and Commonwealth Armies, with the distinguishing marker being my willingness to fight the enemy even after defeat and occupation - something the Empire would have done, but through God's Grace, never had to actually undertake.

Take the quiz here

And please tell us how you scored.


At 6:27 pm , Blogger Penelope Persons said...

I scored as Polish (88%) and Finnish (78%) when I took the test a few days ago, Aeneas. I don't remember where the Brits were, but I do know the US was 2nd from last!!

I too was willing to carry on the fight after the war was over, considered a soldier's death a tragedy, didn't care for tanks, ammo or bombs, and certainly didn't find uniforms "cool."

In the case of Canada being invaded, which is the only war I would consider fighting in, I would enjoy sneaky tactics, and guerilla warfare.

When I read the (true) story of the Battle of Krojanty I was really proud of being a Polish warrior!!! Yep, that's me!!

At 9:58 pm , Blogger Aeneas the Younger said...


I scored low on the US, USSR, and German Armies. Interesting to note that the Empire went to War in 1939 over the defence of Poland.

It is also interesting to remember that the USSR attacked Poland in September 1939 along with the Nazis - something that many people forget.

We should also note the Polish casualties incurred in the 36 days of warfare between September 1 and October 6, 1939:

66,000 dead
133,700 wounded
694,000 captured

Kind of boggles the mind d'uhhnit?

At 10:17 pm , Blogger Penelope Persons said...

Well, I guess if it's your country....

I think I scored as Polish, because - thinking of how I would respond to an invasion of Canada... I didn't care about the marching, music, the unies, whether someone had signed my country over to the invaders... I was a lioness with her cubs. (I'm sure there must a better analogy, but I can't think of it right now.)

Amazing how the Poles had been run over for centuries - apparently the country is really flat! - by just about anyone with territorial ambitions and still felt such genuine patriotism... which was sure putting the rubber to the road, eh?

Worshipping a flag pales in comparison!

At 5:18 am , Blogger Aeneas the Younger said...


"Lioness and her Cubs" is a great analogy - very apt.

One of the many reasons I am a Monarchist is because I feel a loyalty toward people and person - and not a piece of cloth (as much as I love Flags and Vexillology ...).

That loyalty is toward my Countrymen as people as well ...

But that does not imply any xenophobia on my part however, although I tend to have reservations about Americanism (American Nationalism) as it relates to individual intellectual & cultural dexterity - and Canada's independence.

Individually, most Americans are fine people. Collectively, well ... their Patriotic Culture seems so fascistic to me. (And I am a student of fascism who doesn't throw the term around lightly.)

At 1:36 am , Blogger Red Tory said...

I came out as the Finns. I'll leave you to figure that one out.

At 7:30 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good heavens. I, too, was for Finland. I have no idea what that really means, but I'll assume it's good.

At 7:45 am , Blogger Aeneas the Younger said...

RT & Madame:

Think about it:

The Finns fought against both the Soviets and the Nazis and never gave up against all the odds.

At 6:44 pm , Blogger Muad'Dib said...

I am for the most part FInland.

Finland, finland, finland
The country where I'd quite like to be......


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