Tuesday, July 10, 2007

John Manley and the North American Union ...

I cannot stand John Manley.

To the casual or ignorant observer, it seems that my virulent dislike for him is based on his unabashed republicanism and his neo-liberalism. While this is very true, it is not my only reason - although the second reason is very connected to the first reason.

Manley is the leading advocate for the North American Union. To me this is a treasonous activity, and a denial of they very raison d'etre for Canada - established so long ago with the exodus of the Loyalists to British North America.

What is shocking to me is how little airplay the media have given to this movement. I am all over the blogosphere ridiculing the idea of MSM, but it seems to me that this has received less attention than it should.

The question is: WHY?

Am I the only one who cares about CANADA?

see: Treason on the Web


At 11:34 am , Blogger Warren said...


I did a post on this yesterday, and tend to be of the opinion that the "North American Union" concern is overstated. There is no political will to seriously push for it in either in Canada, the United States, or Mexico. As well, if you look at policy harmonization, policies in the three countries are actually becoming more, not less, different. So I'm not convinced there is all that much to worry about at this point.

At 4:28 pm , Blogger Aeneas the Younger said...


I concede your point to a degree, but advise eternal vigilance on this issue. The coporate elites will kepp trying by stealth.

We were heading more directly toward NAU, until the Iraq War sullied the USA in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of most rational Canadians.

At 8:06 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article that chronicles some of Manley's tresonous acts in regards to the creation of an NAU.

Canada's Deep Integration Into a North American Union

by Dana Gabriel

It makes no difference if it is a Liberal or Conservative government in power because for the last 20 years plus both parties have been pushing for the same agenda of deeper integration with the United States. The same people who brought you the Canada-U.S. FTA and NAFTA are busy creating a North American Union. The Signing of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America would not have been possible without the tireless work of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) and the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America, which was co-chaired by former Liberal deputy prime minister John Manley. He is just one of many influential politicians and business elites who are working towards deeper integration. Last week, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, David Dodge, said that a North American single currency was a real possibility. Both the FTA and NAFTA have lead to the corporate takeover of Canada where power, profit, and greed come before our best-interests. While other countries are distancing themselves from the U.S., Canada is doing the opposite. Defending Canadian sovereignty has been misinterpreted by many as protectionism and anti-Americanism. The NAU agenda is moving forward despite no mandate, or any awareness from the general public. Deep integration and harmonization into an NAU could lead to Canada losing control over its own natural resources. This agenda is a full assault on Canadian institutions, it's culture, values, and its national sovereignty.
(link to rest of article)

At 3:25 am , Blogger Red Tory said...

Actually, there have been a number of articles in recent weeks, but mostly they're in the business section of the papers and don't seem to get the same exposure as others. (I only know this because I end up writing about it in my other capacity working with cross-border service providers.)

At 11:34 am , Blogger RB Glennie said...

Hi Aeneas! I've been missing you...

Actually, the Americanization of Canada commenced in the 1980s, when our Dominion became a judge-ruled republic, instead of a polity in which Parliament was supreme.

But it's telling: you say, as a `Red tory', that you are against the U.S. and the Republican party. With respect to your opposition to the so-called `North American Union', this puts in you bed with... the hard right of the U.S. republican party.

Funny that.

At 6:19 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.


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