A Fine Mess ...
I guess Bush is "Laurel" to Cheney's "Hardy"?
Here is the latest from Pyongyang.
I wonder if the Iranians are taking notes from Kim Jong-il?
One would suspect that Iran will tip-over its nuclear capability as soon as possible to make the point. And one could also suspect that the US will have no regional Allies to help pressure Iran to cease & desist.
"Sorry Ollie" ...
(with apologies to the great Silent Film Stars Laurel & Hardy)
you're speaking as if the responsibility to restrain North Korea and Iran is solely on the US. if you hate the US so much, what does that say about the rest of the world when the US is all you have to stop rogue states?
This is typical convoluted American triumphalist logic.
If you actually comprehended what I was stating, it is merely this:
*The USA has wasted time, men, and materiel fighting a pointless war in Iraq, when the real threats to global security have been Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.*
Had the US NOT invaded Iraq for very poor reasons, they US could have mounted a "great power coalition" to fcce-down these common threats.
The US - under Bush - has abrogated all leadership in the West, and alienated the other Great Powers from wanting to assist anything, or anyone affiliated with the USA.
Bush had put the USA is a very bad position, as very few states wish to aid or assist the US now; further, these threat to global security still exist. On top of all this, Bush has bankrupted the American economy in the interests of the wrong war.
It is beyond stupid.
and how does your response answer my original question to you? i'll ask it again:
"now that Bush has weakened America beyond repair, do you have an alternative solution to the North Korean nuclear situation, without relying on the US?"
or does that have to wait until you've fulfilled your Bush-bashing (of which i wasn't even trying to refute, although i guess i could, but for now that's not the point) quota for this century?
There is only the UN now and perhaps China & Russia if they are pushed too far regionally. China & Russia are not too keen to help the US at his stage however.
BTW, Bush deserves to be bashed. He is easily the worst President since Harding.
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