Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Latest Ipsos-Reid Political Poll


This finds that the Harper Government is currying great favour with the Canadian electorate. One has to wonder just what conclusions the government and caucus will draw from this positive reaction?

* Will they ascertain that their moderate tone and policy is the reason for the positive response?
* Or will they interpret this as validation and support for the entire policy-book of the CPC?

Rational people would recognise that the former is likely the reason for the nice bump in the numbers.

But are these rational people?

Their reaction to this poll is the first real test of their ability to govern from the broad Canadian centre - which is loyal, moderate, reasonable, and predominantly English-speaking.

My sources in Quebec tell me that the support for Harper is based on two things and two things only: Provincial-Rights and Tax-Relief. The problem here is that Harper can only appease the nationalist Quebecker so much, before he begins to turn-off the Canadian Federalist voter. That just leaves him with tax-relief - which, if he engages in too much, will further weaken federalism in Canada.

Quite a quandary isn't it?

Which is why successful governments in Canada govern from the centre. That is where compromise is to be found.


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